Verifying a Part Program


Verifying A Program

One very handy feature of EMC is the ability to verify or check a part program prior to an actual cycle. It is good to verify a program to debug cutter compensation and circular interpolation errors.

Here is Fred Proctor's description:

"Part program verification. In xemc, click on the "Verify" button once you've brought up a program and it runs through it and pops up errors, if any, in syntax, limits, cutter comp gouging, etc." (Note: In TkEmc you have to click on the "Verify" button with the mouse.)

Be aware that just by running the verify function, modal functions such as G90/G91, G40/G41/G42, drill cycles, and feedrates are altered on the control. This means that you have to be careful if a program bombs during the verification and leaves a drill cycle (G81) or incremental move (G91) hanging. The next move that you do, via MDI or AUTO might cause a crash. This is also a good reason to place safety blocks at the beginning and end of your programs.

This is a preliminary copy of a chapter to be included in the part programming section of the EMC cookbook. This page is maintained by Dan Falck. Comments, criticism, flames, additions, subtractions, and editing are welcomed.