Brian's ZipSlack Install

Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 07:42:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: "bfp" <>

hello all,

I've been playing around this weekend with installing EMC on the ZipSlack mini-distro from Slackware 7.0.  This is one way to build a small Linux distro with RTLinux and EMC that can be installed on a windows hard drive without repartitioning and can be burned onto a cdrom for distribution to others

These notes cover the full installation process to go from a windows only system  to a dual boot windows/Linux+RTL+EMC  system so its a bit long

System requirements:

Download Zipslack
unzip it to c:\ this creates a UMSDOS Linux filesystem in c:\linux.   Edit the c:\linux\linux.bat file to boot from hda1

Download these additional packages
And for a light, fast window manager download
these were all downloaded to

Also grab

Download rtlinux-2.0-prepatched.tgz from
into c:\rtl_dl\

and emc-07-Jun-2000.tgz from
into c:\emc_dl\

This was a total download of about 90Mb.  I pulled it all thru a 56k modem in less than a day the whole thing expands to just over 378Mb installed.


The umsdos filesystem truncates long filenames when reading from the windows part of your hard drive so I've used wildcards and separate download directories to keep things fairly simple


Now from the win9X start menu select shutdown and restart in MS_DOS mode this reboots to a DOS prompt do not use a DOS box in windows.  go to c:\linux and run linux.bat to load linux

(DOS prompt uses backslash "\")
> cd \linux
> linux
login as root

Now to install the additional packages

(/DOS is the doorway to the rest of your hard drive under linux)

(Linux prompt uses slash "/")
# cd /DOS/zip_dl
# installpkg *.tgz
you may want to run the setup utility provided by ZipSlack,this lets you configure your network,timezone,cdrom terminal font,modem and serial mouse(PS/2 mice are autodetected)  I didn't bother to do this step and had no real problems (optional)

Now configure X

#  xf86config
and select ICEwm as the default window manager
# xwmconfig
(ICEwm is the first selection so just hit <spacebar> then <enter> )

At this point you can

# startx
for a graphical install under a virtual console or keep going from the command prompt.

put EMC in the right place and untar it

# mkdir /usr/local/nist
# cp /DOS/emc_dl/*.tgz /usr/local/nist
# cd /usr/local/nist
# tar -xzvf *.tgz
put RTLinux in the right place and untar it then remove the old linux link and create the new linux link
# cp /DOS/rtl_dl/*.tgz /usr/src
# cd /usr/src
# tar -xzvf *.tgz
# rm linux
# ln -s rtlinux-2.0/linux   linux
OK now that everything is in the right place its time to compile the real-time kernel
# cd /usr/src/linux
# make menuconfig
(or if you already started X)
# make xconfig
select the "load configuration from file" option import the Zipslack default config file from /boot/config.  Under "cpu type and features" change the cpu type to match your system and select the hard real-time and smp options.  Make no other changes at this time.  This will give you a modular real-time kernel that will run on just about any hardware.

Now compile the real-time kernel

# make dep ;make clean ;make bzImage
# make modules ;make modules_install
and replace vmlinuz and
# mv /boot/ /boot/
# cp /boot/  (note:the capitalization is correct)
# mv /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old
# cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /vmlinuz
Zipslack has no lilo.conf file to edit and rtl_2.0 does not use the "append mem" line anyway so...
now is the time to reboot with
# reboot
or <ctrl>+<alt>+<del>
Windows will restart automatically so you will have to shutdown and restart in DOS mode again just like before.  When Linux starts up there will be some missing modules for pcmcia services but nothing that will keep RTL or EMC from working

Log back in as root and make the real-time modules

# cd /usr/src/rtlinux-2.0/rtl
# make
# make install
You can make and run the real-time examples now if you want

now on to EMC

The emc-07-Jun-2000 release has four files that wind up being misplaced during the initial install this bash script will fix that for the second compile.

#! /bin/sh
# filename fix
# fix for emc-07-Jun-2000 misplaced files # place this file in the /usr/local/nist directory # you may need to set executable permissions on this # file with (# chmod 755 fix)
# this script will copy some files to the right # directories so that the compiler can find them cp emc/plat/linux_2_2_13/include/emcglb.h emc/plat/rtlinux_2_0/include/emcglb.h
cp rcslib/plat/linux_2_2_13/include/inifile.h rcslib/plat/rtlinux_2_0/include/inifile.h cp rcslib/plat/linux_2_2_13/include/rcs_defs.hh rcslib/plat/rtlinux_2_0/include/rcs_defs.hh cp rcslib/plat/linux_2_2_13/include/dbg_mem.h rcslib/plat/rtlinux_2_0/include/dbg_mem.h ------------cut-here---------------

Build EMC

# cd /usr/local/nist
# ./install
# ./fix
# ./compile

You can now go to the emc directory,edit the .ini files and run EMC.

To distribute this system to others

Reboot to windows and burn the whole c:\linux directory to a cdrom label it ZipEMC.  You could also stay in Linux and uninstall or delete the packages and files that are not being used to save some space then reboot to windows and zip the linux directory back up.  I haven't tried this yet but if you can trim the new zip file down to about 50-60Mb without breaking Linux you may be able to put it on an FTP site

To install ZipEMC on a different system just pop in the disk and copy the linux directory to c:\ then

Have fun,

Brian Pitt