Source Downloads

There are two major kinds of releases available after August 2000.  They are both different from the previous releases of the EMC.  Will's post briefly describes them.

new EMC distribution/site
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 14:51:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: shackle <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Reply to:

I have placed a new EMC distribution on the sourceforge website this time.

You can get it either from


and then clicking on the download link near the right side under the heading
"Latest File Releases"

There are now 2 types of distribution files.

the emcbin-* files contain only:

*  pre-compiled binaries,
* the example nc programs and configuration files
* the tkl/tk scripts

but no C/C++ source. Which means after downloading there should be no
compiling necessary. (There is an install script which just copies
to the
/usr/lib directory.)

the emcsrc-* files contain source code for both EMC and the RCS library. The
install scripts should now be generic enough to install the same files on
either linux 2.0.36 or linux 2.2.14 or if your lucky other versions we haven't
even tried.

As reports of the installation of these releases come in they will be compiled into two pages.

Binary installs
Source installs