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00001 char * _rs274ngc_errors[] = {
00002 /*!   0 */ "No error",
00003 /*!   1 */ "No error",
00004 /*!   2 */ "No error",
00005 /*!   3 */ "No error",
00006 /*!   4 */ "A file is already open", //! rs274ngc_open
00007 /*!   5 */ "All axes missing with g92", //! enhance_block
00008 /*!   6 */ "All axes missing with motion code", //! enhance_block
00009 /*!   7 */ "Arc radius too small to reach end point", //! arc_data_r
00010 /*!   8 */ "Argument to acos out of range", //! execute_unary
00011 /*!   9 */ "Argument to asin out of range", //! execute_unary
00012 /*!  10 */ "Attempt to divide by zero", //! execute_binary1
00013 /*!  11 */ "Attempt to raise negative to non integer power", //! execute_binary1
00014 /*!  12 */ "Bad character used", //! read_one_item
00015 /*!  13 */ "Bad format unsigned integer", //! read_integer_unsigned
00016 /*!  14 */ "Bad number format", //! read_real_number
00017 /*!  15 */ "Bug bad g code modal group 0", //! check_g_codes
00018 /*!  16 */ "Bug code not g0 or g1", //! convert_straight, convert_straight_comp1, convert_straight_comp2
00019 /*!  17 */ "Bug code not g17 g18 or g19", //! convert_set_plane
00020 /*!  18 */ "Bug code not g20 or g21", //! convert_length_units
00021 /*!  19 */ "Bug code not g28 or g30", //! convert_home
00022 /*!  20 */ "Bug code not g2 or g3", //! arc_data_comp_ijk, arc_data_ijk
00023 /*!  21 */ "Bug code not g40 g41 or g42", //! convert_cutter_compensation
00024 /*!  22 */ "Bug code not g43 or g49", //! convert_tool_length_offset
00025 /*!  23 */ "Bug code not g4 g10 g28 g30 g53 or g92 series", //! convert_modal_0
00026 /*!  24 */ "Bug code not g61 g61 1 or g64", //! convert_control_mode
00027 /*!  25 */ "Bug code not g90 or g91", //! convert_distance_mode
00028 /*!  26 */ "Bug code not g93 or g94", //! convert_feed_mode
00029 /*!  27 */ "Bug code not g98 or g99", //! convert_retract_mode
00030 /*!  28 */ "Bug code not in g92 series", //! convert_axis_offsets
00031 /*!  29 */ "Bug code not in range g54 to g593", //! convert_coordinate_system
00032 /*!  30 */ "Bug code not m0 m1 m2 m30 m60", //! convert_stop
00033 /*!  31 */ "Bug distance mode not g90 or g91", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx
00034 /*!  32 */ "Bug function should not have been called", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx, read_a, read_b, read_c, read_comment, read_d, read_f, read_g, read_h, read_i, read_j, read_k, read_l, read_line_number, read_m, read_p, read_parameter, read_parameter_setting, read_q, read_r, read_real_expression, read_s, read_t, read_x, read_y, read_z
00035 /*!  33 */ "Bug in tool radius comp", //! arc_data_comp_r
00036 /*!  34 */ "Bug plane not xy yz or xz", //! convert_arc, convert_cycle
00037 /*!  35 */ "Bug side not right or left", //! convert_straight_comp1, convert_straight_comp2
00038 /*!  36 */ "Bug unknown motion code", //! convert_motion
00039 /*!  37 */ "Bug unknown operation", //! execute_binary1, execute_binary2, execute_unary
00040 /*!  38 */ "Cannot change axis offsets with cutter radius comp", //! convert_axis_offsets
00041 /*!  39 */ "Cannot change units with cutter radius comp", //! convert_length_units
00042 /*!  40 */ "Cannot create backup file", //! rs274ngc_save_parameters
00043 /*!  41 */ "Cannot do g1 with zero feed rate", //! convert_straight
00044 /*!  42 */ "Cannot do zero repeats of cycle", //! convert_cycle
00045 /*!  43 */ "Cannot make arc with zero feed rate", //! convert_arc
00046 /*!  44 */ "Cannot move rotary axes during probing", //! convert_probe
00047 /*!  45 */ "Cannot open backup file", //! rs274ngc_save_parameters
00048 /*!  46 */ "Cannot open variable file", //! rs274ngc_save_parameters
00049 /*!  47 */ "Cannot probe in inverse time feed mode", //! convert_probe
00050 /*!  48 */ "Cannot probe with cutter radius comp on", //! convert_probe
00051 /*!  49 */ "Cannot probe with zero feed rate", //! convert_probe
00052 /*!  50 */ "Cannot put a b in canned cycle", //! check_other_codes
00053 /*!  51 */ "Cannot put a c in canned cycle", //! check_other_codes
00054 /*!  52 */ "Cannot put an a in canned cycle", //! check_other_codes
00055 /*!  53 */ "Cannot turn cutter radius comp on out of xy plane", //! convert_cutter_compensation_on
00056 /*!  54 */ "Cannot turn cutter radius comp on when on", //! convert_cutter_compensation_on
00057 /*!  55 */ "Cannot use a word", //! read_a
00058 /*!  56 */ "Cannot use axis values with g80", //! enhance_block
00059 /*!  57 */ "Cannot use axis values without a g code that uses them", //! enhance_block
00060 /*!  58 */ "Cannot use b word", //! read_b
00061 /*!  59 */ "Cannot use c word", //! read_c
00062 /*!  60 */ "Cannot use g28 or g30 with cutter radius comp", //! convert_home
00063 /*!  61 */ "Cannot use g53 incremental", //! check_g_codes
00064 /*!  62 */ "Cannot use g53 with cutter radius comp", //! convert_straight
00065 /*!  63 */ "Cannot use two g codes that both use axis values", //! enhance_block
00066 /*!  64 */ "Cannot use xz plane with cutter radius comp", //! convert_set_plane
00067 /*!  65 */ "Cannot use yz plane with cutter radius comp", //! convert_set_plane
00068 /*!  66 */ "Command too long", //! read_text, rs274ngc_open
00069 /*!  67 */ "Concave corner with cutter radius comp", //! convert_arc_comp2, convert_straight_comp2
00070 /*!  68 */ "Coordinate system index parameter 5220 out of range", //! rs274ngc_init
00071 /*!  69 */ "Current point same as end point of arc", //! arc_data_r
00072 /*!  70 */ "Cutter gouging with cutter radius comp", //! convert_arc_comp1, convert_straight_comp1
00073 /*!  71 */ "D word with no g41 or g42", //! check_other_codes
00074 /*!  72 */ "Dwell time missing with g4", //! check_g_codes
00075 /*!  73 */ "Dwell time p word missing with g82", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx
00076 /*!  74 */ "Dwell time p word missing with g86", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx
00077 /*!  75 */ "Dwell time p word missing with g88", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx
00078 /*!  76 */ "Dwell time p word missing with g89", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx
00079 /*!  77 */ "Equal sign missing in parameter setting", //! read_parameter_setting
00080 /*!  78 */ "F word missing with inverse time arc move", //! convert_arc
00081 /*!  79 */ "F word missing with inverse time g1 move", //! convert_straight
00082 /*!  80 */ "File ended with no percent sign", //! read_text, rs274ngc_open
00083 /*!  81 */ "File ended with no percent sign or program end", //! read_text
00084 /*!  82 */ "File name too long", //! rs274ngc_open
00085 /*!  83 */ "File not open", //! rs274ngc_read
00086 /*!  84 */ "G code out of range", //! read_g
00087 /*!  85 */ "H word with no g43", //! check_other_codes
00088 /*!  86 */ "I word given for arc in yz plane", //! convert_arc
00089 /*!  87 */ "I word missing with g87", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx
00090 /*!  88 */ "I word with no g2 or g3 or g87 to use it", //! check_other_codes
00091 /*!  89 */ "J word given for arc in xz plane", //! convert_arc
00092 /*!  90 */ "J word missing with g87", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx
00093 /*!  91 */ "J word with no g2 or g3 or g87 to use it", //! check_other_codes
00094 /*!  92 */ "K word given for arc in xy plane", //! convert_arc
00095 /*!  93 */ "K word missing with g87", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx
00096 /*!  94 */ "K word with no g2 or g3 or g87 to use it", //! check_other_codes
00097 /*!  95 */ "L word with no canned cycle or g10", //! check_other_codes
00098 /*!  96 */ "Left bracket missing after slash with atan", //! read_atan
00099 /*!  97 */ "Left bracket missing after unary operation name", //! read_unary
00100 /*!  98 */ "Line number greater than 99999", //! read_line_number
00101 /*!  99 */ "Line with g10 does not have l2", //! check_g_codes
00102 /*! 100 */ "M code greater than 99", //! read_m
00103 /*! 101 */ "Mixed radius ijk format for arc", //! convert_arc
00104 /*! 102 */ "Multiple a words on one line", //! read_a
00105 /*! 103 */ "Multiple b words on one line", //! read_b
00106 /*! 104 */ "Multiple c words on one line", //! read_c
00107 /*! 105 */ "Multiple d words on one line", //! read_d
00108 /*! 106 */ "Multiple f words on one line", //! read_f
00109 /*! 107 */ "Multiple h words on one line", //! read_h
00110 /*! 108 */ "Multiple i words on one line", //! read_i
00111 /*! 109 */ "Multiple j words on one line", //! read_j
00112 /*! 110 */ "Multiple k words on one line", //! read_k
00113 /*! 111 */ "Multiple l words on one line", //! read_l
00114 /*! 112 */ "Multiple p words on one line", //! read_p
00115 /*! 113 */ "Multiple q words on one line", //! read_q
00116 /*! 114 */ "Multiple r words on one line", //! read_r
00117 /*! 115 */ "Multiple s words on one line", //! read_s
00118 /*! 116 */ "Multiple t words on one line", //! read_t
00119 /*! 117 */ "Multiple x words on one line", //! read_x
00120 /*! 118 */ "Multiple y words on one line", //! read_y
00121 /*! 119 */ "Multiple z words on one line", //! read_z
00122 /*! 120 */ "Must use g0 or g1 with g53", //! check_g_codes
00123 /*! 121 */ "Negative argument to sqrt", //! execute_unary
00124 /*! 122 */ "Negative d word tool radius index used", //! read_d
00125 /*! 123 */ "Negative f word used", //! read_f
00126 /*! 124 */ "Negative g code used", //! read_g
00127 /*! 125 */ "Negative h word tool length offset index used", //! read_h
00128 /*! 126 */ "Negative l word used", //! read_l
00129 /*! 127 */ "Negative m code used", //! read_m
00130 /*! 128 */ "Negative or zero q value used", //! read_q
00131 /*! 129 */ "Negative p word used", //! read_p
00132 /*! 130 */ "Negative spindle speed used", //! read_s
00133 /*! 131 */ "Negative tool id used", //! read_t
00134 /*! 132 */ "Nested comment found", //! close_and_downcase
00135 /*! 133 */ "No characters found in reading real value", //! read_real_value
00136 /*! 134 */ "No digits found where real number should be", //! read_real_number
00137 /*! 135 */ "Non integer value for integer", //! read_integer_value
00138 /*! 136 */ "Null missing after newline", //! close_and_downcase
00139 /*! 137 */ "Offset index missing", //! convert_tool_length_offset
00140 /*! 138 */ "P value not an integer with g10 l2", //! check_g_codes
00141 /*! 139 */ "P value out of range with g10 l2", //! check_g_codes
00142 /*! 140 */ "P word with no g4 g10 g82 g86 g88 g89", //! check_other_codes
00143 /*! 141 */ "Parameter file out of order", //! rs274ngc_restore_parameters, rs274ngc_save_parameters
00144 /*! 142 */ "Parameter number out of range", //! read_parameter, read_parameter_setting, rs274ngc_restore_parameters, rs274ngc_save_parameters
00145 /*! 143 */ "Q word missing with g83", //! convert_cycle_xy, convert_cycle_yz, convert_cycle_zx
00146 /*! 144 */ "Q word with no g83", //! check_other_codes
00147 /*! 145 */ "Queue is not empty after probing", //! rs274ngc_read
00148 /*! 146 */ "R clearance plane unspecified in cycle", //! convert_cycle
00149 /*! 147 */ "R i j k words all missing for arc", //! convert_arc
00150 /*! 148 */ "R less than x in cycle in yz plane", //! convert_cycle_yz
00151 /*! 149 */ "R less than y in cycle in xz plane", //! convert_cycle_zx
00152 /*! 150 */ "R less than z in cycle in xy plane", //! convert_cycle_xy
00153 /*! 151 */ "R word with no g code that uses it", //! check_other_codes
00154 /*! 152 */ "Radius to end of arc differs from radius to start", //! arc_data_comp_ijk, arc_data_ijk
00155 /*! 153 */ "Radius too small to reach end point", //! arc_data_comp_r
00156 /*! 154 */ "Required parameter missing", //! rs274ngc_restore_parameters
00157 /*! 155 */ "Selected tool slot number too large", //! convert_tool_select
00158 /*! 156 */ "Slash missing after first atan argument", //! read_atan
00159 /*! 157 */ "Spindle not turning clockwise in g84", //! convert_cycle_g84
00160 /*! 158 */ "Spindle not turning in g86", //! convert_cycle_g86
00161 /*! 159 */ "Spindle not turning in g87", //! convert_cycle_g87
00162 /*! 160 */ "Spindle not turning in g88", //! convert_cycle_g88
00163 /*! 161 */ "Sscanf failed", //! read_integer_unsigned, read_real_number
00164 /*! 162 */ "Start point too close to probe point", //! convert_probe
00165 /*! 163 */ "Too many m codes on line", //! check_m_codes
00166 /*! 164 */ "Tool length offset index too big", //! read_h
00167 /*! 165 */ "Tool max too large", //! rs274ngc_load_tool_table
00168 /*! 166 */ "Tool radius index too big", //! read_d
00169 /*! 167 */ "Tool radius not less than arc radius with comp", //! arc_data_comp_r, convert_arc_comp2
00170 /*! 168 */ "Two g codes used from same modal group", //! read_g
00171 /*! 169 */ "Two m codes used from same modal group", //! read_m
00172 /*! 170 */ "Unable to open file", //! convert_stop, rs274ngc_open, rs274ngc_restore_parameters
00173 /*! 171 */ "Unclosed comment found", //! close_and_downcase
00174 /*! 172 */ "Unclosed expression", //! read_operation
00175 /*! 173 */ "Unknown g code used", //! read_g
00176 /*! 174 */ "Unknown m code used", //! read_m
00177 /*! 175 */ "Unknown operation", //! read_operation
00178 /*! 176 */ "Unknown operation name starting with a", //! read_operation
00179 /*! 177 */ "Unknown operation name starting with m", //! read_operation
00180 /*! 178 */ "Unknown operation name starting with o", //! read_operation
00181 /*! 179 */ "Unknown operation name starting with x", //! read_operation
00182 /*! 180 */ "Unknown word starting with a", //! read_operation_unary
00183 /*! 181 */ "Unknown word starting with c", //! read_operation_unary
00184 /*! 182 */ "Unknown word starting with e", //! read_operation_unary
00185 /*! 183 */ "Unknown word starting with f", //! read_operation_unary
00186 /*! 184 */ "Unknown word starting with l", //! read_operation_unary
00187 /*! 185 */ "Unknown word starting with r", //! read_operation_unary
00188 /*! 186 */ "Unknown word starting with s", //! read_operation_unary
00189 /*! 187 */ "Unknown word starting with t", //! read_operation_unary
00190 /*! 188 */ "Unknown word where unary operation could be", //! read_operation_unary
00191 /*! 189 */ "X and y words missing for arc in xy plane", //! convert_arc
00192 /*! 190 */ "X and z words missing for arc in xz plane", //! convert_arc
00193 /*! 191 */ "X value unspecified in yz plane canned cycle", //! convert_cycle_yz
00194 /*! 192 */ "X y and z words all missing with g38 2", //! convert_probe
00195 /*! 193 */ "Y and z words missing for arc in yz plane", //! convert_arc
00196 /*! 194 */ "Y value unspecified in xz plane canned cycle", //! convert_cycle_zx
00197 /*! 195 */ "Z value unspecified in xy plane canned cycle", //! convert_cycle_xy
00198 /*! 196 */ "Zero or negative argument to ln", //! execute_unary
00199 /*! 197 */ "Zero radius arc", //! arc_data_ijk
00200 "The End"};

Generated on Mon Feb 11 21:31:15 2002 for rs274ngc by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001