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00001 #ifndef RS274NGC_HH
00002 #define RS274NGC_HH
00004 /*!
00005   rs274ngc.hh
00007   Declarations for the rs274abc translator.
00009 */
00011 /*!*********************/
00013 /*!*********************/
00015 #include <stdio.h>
00016 #include "canon.hh"
00018 /*!*********************/
00019 /*!   COMPILER MACROS  */
00020 /*!*********************/
00022 #define AND              &&
00023 #define IS               ==
00024 #define ISNT             !=
00025 #define MAX(x, y)        ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
00026 #define NOT              !
00027 #define OR               ||
00028 #define SET_TO           =
00030 #ifndef TRUE
00031 #define TRUE             1
00032 #endif
00034 #ifndef FALSE
00035 #define FALSE            0
00036 #endif
00038 #define RS274NGC_TEXT_SIZE 256
00040 /*! numerical constants */
00041 #define TOLERANCE_INCH 0.0002
00042 #define TOLERANCE_MM 0.002
00043 #define TOLERANCE_CONCAVE_CORNER 0.01 /*! angle threshold for concavity for
00044                                          cutter compensation, in radians */
00045 #define TINY 1e-12 /*! for arc_data_r */
00046 #define UNKNOWN 1e-20
00047 #define TWO_PI  6.2831853071795864
00049 #ifndef PI
00050 #define PI      3.1415926535897932
00051 #endif
00053 #ifndef PI2
00054 #define PI2     1.5707963267948966
00055 #endif
00057 //! array sizes
00058 #define RS274NGC_ACTIVE_G_CODES 12
00059 #define RS274NGC_ACTIVE_M_CODES 7
00060 #define RS274NGC_ACTIVE_SETTINGS 3
00062 //! name of parameter file for saving/restoring interpreter variables
00063 #define RS274NGC_PARAMETER_FILE_NAME_DEFAULT "rs274ngc.var"
00066 //! max number of m codes on one line
00067 #define MAX_EMS  4
00069 //! English - Metric conversion (long number keeps error buildup down)
00070 #define MM_PER_INCH 25.4
00071 #define INCH_PER_MM 0.039370078740157477
00073 //! on-off switch settings
00074 #define OFF 0
00075 #define ON 1
00077 //! feed_mode
00078 #define UNITS_PER_MINUTE 0
00079 #define INVERSE_TIME 1
00081 //! cutter radius compensation mode, OFF already defined to 0
00082 //! not using CANON_SIDE since interpreter handles cutter radius comp
00083 #define RIGHT 1
00084 #define LEFT 2
00086 //! number of parameters in parameter table
00087 #define RS274NGC_MAX_PARAMETERS 5400
00089 //! unary operations
00090 //! These are not enums because the "&" operator is used in
00091 //! reading the operation names and is illegal with an enum
00093 #define ABS 1
00094 #define ACOS 2
00095 #define ASIN 3
00096 #define ATAN 4
00097 #define COS 5
00098 #define EXP 6
00099 #define FIX 7
00100 #define FUP 8
00101 #define LN 9
00102 #define ROUND 10
00103 #define SIN 11
00104 #define SQRT 12
00105 #define TAN 13
00108 //! binary operations
00109 #define NO_OPERATION 0
00110 #define DIVIDED_BY 1
00111 #define MODULO 2
00112 #define POWER 3
00113 #define TIMES 4
00114 #define AND2 5
00115 #define EXCLUSIVE_OR 6
00116 #define MINUS 7
00117 #define NON_EXCLUSIVE_OR 8
00118 #define PLUS 9
00119 #define RIGHT_BRACKET 10
00121 //! G Codes are symbolic to be dialect-independent in source code
00122 #define G_0      0
00123 #define G_1     10
00124 #define G_2     20
00125 #define G_3     30
00126 #define G_4     40
00127 #define G_10   100
00128 #define G_17   170
00129 #define G_18   180
00130 #define G_19   190
00131 #define G_20   200
00132 #define G_21   210
00133 #define G_28   280
00134 #define G_30   300
00135 #define G_38_2 382
00136 #define G_40   400
00137 #define G_41   410
00138 #define G_42   420
00139 #define G_43   430
00140 #define G_49   490
00141 #define G_53   530
00142 #define G_54   540
00143 #define G_55   550
00144 #define G_56   560
00145 #define G_57   570
00146 #define G_58   580
00147 #define G_59   590
00148 #define G_59_1 591
00149 #define G_59_2 592
00150 #define G_59_3 593
00151 #define G_61   610
00152 #define G_61_1 611
00153 #define G_64   640
00154 #define G_80   800
00155 #define G_81   810
00156 #define G_82   820
00157 #define G_83   830
00158 #define G_84   840
00159 #define G_85   850
00160 #define G_86   860
00161 #define G_87   870
00162 #define G_88   880
00163 #define G_89   890
00164 #define G_90   900
00165 #define G_91   910
00166 #define G_92   920
00167 #define G_92_1 921
00168 #define G_92_2 922
00169 #define G_92_3 923
00170 #define G_93   930
00171 #define G_94   940
00172 #define G_98   980
00173 #define G_99   990
00175 /*!*********************/
00176 /*!      TYPEDEFS      */
00177 /*!*********************/
00179 /*! distance_mode */
00182 /*! retract_mode for cycles */
00183 typedef enum {R_PLANE, OLD_Z} RETRACT_MODE;
00185 typedef int ON_OFF;
00187 typedef struct block_struct {
00188 #ifdef AA
00189   ON_OFF   a_flag;
00190   double   a_number;
00191 #endif
00192 #ifdef BB
00193   ON_OFF   b_flag;
00194   double   b_number;
00195 #endif
00196 #ifdef CC
00197   ON_OFF   c_flag;
00198   double   c_number;
00199 #endif
00200   char     comment[256];
00201   int      d_number;
00202   double   f_number;
00203   int      g_modes[14];
00204   int      h_number;
00205   ON_OFF   i_flag;
00206   double   i_number;
00207   ON_OFF   j_flag;
00208   double   j_number;
00209   ON_OFF   k_flag;
00210   double   k_number;
00211   int      l_number;
00212   int      line_number;
00213   int      motion_to_be;
00214   int      m_count;
00215   int      m_modes[10];
00216   double   p_number;
00217   double   q_number;
00218   ON_OFF   r_flag;
00219   double   r_number;
00220   double   s_number;
00221   int      t_number;
00222   ON_OFF   x_flag;
00223   double   x_number;
00224   ON_OFF   y_flag;
00225   double   y_number;
00226   ON_OFF   z_flag;
00227   double   z_number;
00228 } block;
00230 typedef block * block_pointer;
00232 /*!
00234 The current_x, current_y, and current_z are the location of the tool
00235 in the current coordinate system. current_x and current_y differ from
00236 program_x and program_y when cutter radius compensation is on.
00237 current_z is the position of the tool tip in program coordinates when
00238 tool length compensation is using the actual tool length; it is the
00239 position of the spindle when tool length is zero.
00241 In a setup, the axis_offset values are set by g92 and the origin_offset
00242 values are set by g54 - g59.3. The net origin offset uses both values
00243 and is not represented here
00245 */
00247 typedef struct setup_struct {
00248 #ifdef AA
00249   double AA_axis_offset;             //! A-axis g92 offset
00250   double AA_current;                 //! current A-axis position
00251   double AA_origin_offset;           //! A-axis origin offset
00252 #endif
00253 #ifdef BB
00254   double BB_axis_offset;             //! B-axis g92offset
00255   double BB_current;                 //! current B-axis position
00256   double BB_origin_offset;           //! B-axis origin offset
00257 #endif
00258 #ifdef CC
00259   double CC_axis_offset;             //! C-axis g92offset
00260   double CC_current;                 //! current C-axis position
00261   double CC_origin_offset;           //! C-axis origin offset
00262 #endif
00263   int active_g_codes
00264       [RS274NGC_ACTIVE_G_CODES];     //! array of active G codes
00265   int active_m_codes
00266       [RS274NGC_ACTIVE_M_CODES];     //! array of active M codes
00267   double active_settings
00268       [RS274NGC_ACTIVE_SETTINGS];    //! array of feed, speed, etc.
00269   double axis_offset_x;              //! X-axis g92 offset
00270   double axis_offset_y;              //! Y-axis g92 offset
00271   double axis_offset_z;              //! Z-axis g92 offset
00272   block block1;                      //! parsed next block
00273   char blocktext[RS274NGC_TEXT_SIZE];//! linetext downcased, white space gone
00274   CANON_MOTION_MODE control_mode;    //! exact path or cutting mode
00275   int current_slot;                  //! carousel slot number of current tool
00276   double current_x;                  //! current X-axis position
00277   double current_y;                  //! current Y-axis position
00278   double current_z;                  //! current Z-axis position
00279   double cutter_comp_radius;         //! current cutter compensation radius
00280   int cutter_comp_side;              //! current cutter compensation side
00281   double cycle_cc;                   //! cc-value (normal) for canned cycles
00282   double cycle_i;                    //! i-value for canned cycles
00283   double cycle_j;                    //! j-value for canned cycles
00284   double cycle_k;                    //! k-value for canned cycles
00285   int cycle_l;                       //! l-value for canned cycles
00286   double cycle_p;                    //! p-value (dwell) for canned cycles
00287   double cycle_q;                    //! q-value for canned cycles
00288   double cycle_r;                    //! r-value for canned cycles
00289   DISTANCE_MODE distance_mode;       //! absolute or incremental
00290   int feed_mode;                     //! G_93 (inverse time) or G_94 units/min
00291   ON_OFF feed_override;              //! whether feed override is enabled
00292   double feed_rate;                  //! feed rate in current units/min
00293   char filename[RS274NGC_TEXT_SIZE]; //! name of currently open NC code file
00294   FILE * file_pointer;               //! file pointer for open NC code file
00295   ON_OFF flood;                      //! whether flood coolant is on
00296   int length_offset_index;           //! for use with tool length offsets
00297   CANON_UNITS length_units;          //! millimeters or inches
00298   int line_length;                   //! length of line last read
00299   char linetext[RS274NGC_TEXT_SIZE]; //! text of most recent line read
00300   ON_OFF mist;                       //! whether mist coolant is on
00301   int motion_mode;                   //! active G-code for motion
00302   int origin_index;                  //! active origin (1=G54 to 9=G59.3)
00303   double origin_offset_x;            //! origin offset x
00304   double origin_offset_y;            //! origin offset y
00305   double origin_offset_z;            //! origin offset z
00306   double parameters
00307       [RS274NGC_MAX_PARAMETERS];     //! system parameters
00308   int parameter_occurrence;          //! parameter buffer index
00309   int parameter_numbers[50];         //! parameter number buffer
00310   double parameter_values[50];       //! parameter value buffer
00311   ON_OFF percent_flag;               //! ON means first line was percent sign
00312   CANON_PLANE plane;                 //! active plane, XY-, YZ-, or XZ-plane
00313   ON_OFF probe_flag;                 //! flag indicating probing done
00314   double program_x;                  //! program x, used when cutter comp on
00315   double program_y;                  //! program y, used when cutter comp on
00316   RETRACT_MODE retract_mode;         //! for cycles, old_z or r_plane
00317   int selected_tool_slot;            //! tool slot selected but not active
00318   int sequence_number;               //! sequence number of line last read
00319   double speed;                      //! current spindle speed in rpm
00320   CANON_SPEED_FEED_MODE speed_feed_mode;   //! independent or synched
00321   ON_OFF speed_override;             //! whether speed override is enabled
00322   CANON_DIRECTION spindle_turning;   //! direction spindle is turning
00323   char stack[50][80];                //! stack of calls for error reporting
00324   int stack_index;                   //! index into the stack
00325   double tool_length_offset;         //! current tool length offset
00326   int tool_max;                      //! highest number tool slot in carousel
00327   CANON_TOOL_TABLE tool_table
00328        [CANON_TOOL_MAX + 1];         //! index is slot number
00329   int tool_table_index;              //! tool index used with cutter comp
00330   double traverse_rate;              //! rate for traverse motions
00331 } setup;
00333 typedef setup * setup_pointer;
00335 //! pointer to function that reads
00336 typedef int (*read_function_pointer) (char *, int *, block_pointer, double *);
00339 /*!************************************************************************/
00340 /*!
00342 Interface functions to call to tell the interpreter what to do.
00343 Return values indicate status of execution.
00344 These functions may change the state of the interpreter.
00346 */
00348 //! close the currently open NC code file
00349 extern int rs274ngc_close();
00351 //! execute a line of NC code
00353 extern int rs274ngc_execute(const char *command=0);
00354 #else
00355 extern int rs274ngc_execute();
00356 #endif
00358 //! stop running
00359 extern int rs274ngc_exit();
00361 //! get ready to run
00362 extern int rs274ngc_init();
00364 //! load a tool table
00365 extern int rs274ngc_load_tool_table();
00367 //! open a file of NC code
00368 extern int rs274ngc_open(const char *filename);
00370 //! read the mdi or the next line of the open NC code file
00371 extern int rs274ngc_read(const char * mdi = 0);
00373 //! reset yourself
00374 extern int rs274ngc_reset();
00376 //! restore interpreter variables from a file
00377 extern int rs274ngc_restore_parameters(const char * filename);
00379 //! save interpreter variables to file
00380 extern int rs274ngc_save_parameters(const char * filename,
00381                                     const double parameters[]);
00383 //! synchronize your internal model with the external world
00384 extern int rs274ngc_synch();
00387 /*!************************************************************************/
00388 /*!
00390 Interface functions to call to get information from the interpreter.
00391 If a function has a return value, the return value contains the information.
00392 If a function returns nothing, information is copied into one of the
00393 arguments to the function. These functions do not change the state of
00394 the interpreter.
00396 */
00398 //! copy active G codes into array [0]..[11]
00399 extern void rs274ngc_active_g_codes(int * codes);
00401 //! copy active M codes into array [0]..[6]
00402 extern void rs274ngc_active_m_codes(int * codes);
00404 //! copy active F, S settings into array [0]..[2]
00405 extern void rs274ngc_active_settings(double * settings);
00407 //! copy the text of the error message whose number is error_code into the
00408 //! error_text array, but stop at max_size if the text is longer.
00409 extern void rs274ngc_error_text(int error_code, char * error_text,
00410                                 int max_size);
00412 //! copy the name of the currently open file into the file_name array,
00413 //! but stop at max_size if the name is longer
00414 extern void rs274ngc_file_name(char * file_name, int max_size);
00416 //! return the length of the most recently read line
00417 extern int rs274ngc_line_length();
00419 //! copy the text of the most recently read line into the line_text array,
00420 //! but stop at max_size if the text is longer
00421 extern void rs274ngc_line_text(char * line_text, int max_size);
00423 //! return the current sequence number (how many lines read)
00424 extern int rs274ngc_sequence_number();
00426 //! copy the function name from the stack_index'th position of the
00427 //! function call stack at the time of the most recent error into
00428 //! the function name string, but stop at max_size if the name is longer
00429 extern void rs274ngc_stack_name(int stack_index, char * function_name,
00430                                 int max_size);
00434 //! Get the parameter file name from the ini file.
00435 extern int rs274ngc_ini_load(const char *filename);
00436 static inline int rs274ngc_line() {return rs274ngc_sequence_number();}
00437 static inline const char *rs274ngc_command() { static char buf[100]; rs274ngc_line_text(buf,100); return buf;}
00438 static inline const char *rs274ngc_file() { static char buf[100]; rs274ngc_file_name(buf,100); return buf;}
00440 #endif
00444 #endif

Generated on Mon Feb 11 21:31:15 2002 for rs274ngc by doxygen1.2.13.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001