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00001 /**************************************************************************
00002 FILE:
00003 *************************************************************************/
00004 extern "C" {
00005 #include "pcio.h"
00006 }
00007 #include "rcs.hh"
00009 static int first_warning=1;
00011 char inputb( short port )
00012 {
00013   if(first_warning)
00014   {
00015     rcs_print("Using simulated pcio\n");
00016     first_warning = 0;
00017   }
00018   return 0;
00019 }
00020 void outputb( short port, char data )
00021 {
00022   if(first_warning)
00023   {
00024     rcs_print("Using simulated pcio\n");
00025     first_warning = 0;
00026   }
00027 }
00029 short inputw( short port )
00030 {
00031   if(first_warning)
00032   {
00033     rcs_print("Using simulated pcio\n");
00034     first_warning = 0;
00035   }
00036   return 0;
00037 }
00038 void outputw( short port, short data )
00039 {
00040   if(first_warning)
00041   {
00042     rcs_print("Using simulated pcio\n");
00043     first_warning = 0;
00044   }
00045 }
00047 long inputl( short port )
00048 {
00049   if(first_warning)
00050   {
00051     rcs_print("Using simulated pcio\n");
00052     first_warning = 0;
00053   }
00054   return 0;
00055 }
00056 void outputl( short port, long data )
00057 {
00058   if(first_warning)
00059   {
00060     rcs_print("Using simulated pcio\n");
00061     first_warning = 0;
00062   }
00063 }

Generated on Sun Dec 2 15:56:51 2001 for rcslib by doxygen1.2.11.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001