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Go to the documentation of this file.
00003 #include "nmlwatch.h"
00004 #include "rcs.hh"               /* rcs_print(), class NML, class RCS_TIMER */
00006 extern "C"
00007 {
00008 #include <stdio.h>              /* printf() */
00009 #include <string.h>             /* */
00010 #include <stdlib.h>             // strtod()
00011 #include <signal.h>             /* signal(), SIGINT */
00012 }
00014 static unsigned char stop = 1;
00016 #if (!defined(VXWORKS) && !defined(_Windows)) || defined(__CONSOLE__) || defined(gnuwin32)
00017 int
00018 main (int argc, char **argv)
00019 {
00020   static char config_file_buf[256];
00021   static char buffer_name_buf[256];
00022   static char sample_period_buf[40];
00023   static char *config_file = NULL;
00024   static char *buffer_name = NULL;
00025   double sample_period = -1;
00027   if (argc > 1)
00028     {
00029       config_file = argv[1];
00030     }
00031   if (argc > 2)
00032     {
00033       buffer_name = argv[2];
00034     }
00035   if (argc > 3)
00036     {
00037       sample_period = strtod (argv[3], NULL);
00038     }
00040   if (NULL == config_file)
00041     {
00042       config_file = config_file_buf;
00043       printf ("Configuration File?\n");
00044       fgets (config_file_buf, 256, stdin);
00045     }
00046   if (NULL == buffer_name)
00047     {
00048       buffer_name = buffer_name_buf;
00049       printf ("Buffer Name?\n");
00050       fgets (buffer_name_buf, 256, stdin);
00051     }
00052   if (sample_period < 0)
00053     {
00054       printf ("Sample Period?\n");
00055       fgets (sample_period_buf, 256, stdin);
00056       sample_period = strtod (sample_period_buf, NULL);
00057     }
00058   nml_watch (config_file, buffer_name, sample_period);
00059 }
00060 #endif
00062 void
00063 stop_watching_nml (int sig)
00064 {
00065   stop = 1;
00066 }
00068 int
00069 format_stub (NMLTYPE type, void *buffer, CMS * cms)
00070 {
00071   return (0);
00072 }
00074 int
00075 nml_watch (char *config_file, char *buffer, double sample_period)
00076 {
00077   NML *nml;
00078   RCS_TIMER *timer;
00079   NMLmsg *nmlmsg;
00080   NMLTYPE peek_ret;
00081   double start_time;
00082   rcs_print ("NMLWATCH(%s,%s,%lf) called.\n",
00083              config_file, buffer, sample_period);
00084   timer = new RCS_TIMER (sample_period);
00085   stop = 0;
00086   nml = new NML (format_stub, buffer, "nmlwatch", config_file);
00087   if (NULL == nml)
00088     {
00089       rcs_print_error ("NMLWATCH: Can't create nml channel.\n");
00090       delete timer;
00091       return -1;
00092     }
00093   if (!nml->valid ())
00094     {
00095       rcs_print_error ("NMLWATCH: Can't create nml channel.\n");
00096       delete nml;
00097       delete timer;
00098       return -1;
00099     }
00100 #ifdef sparcworks_sun4
00101   signal (SIGINT, (void (*)(int,...)) stop_watching_nml);
00102 #else
00103   signal (SIGINT, stop_watching_nml);
00104 #endif
00105   rcs_print ("Waiting for messages.\n");
00106   start_time = etime ();
00107   while (!stop)
00108     {
00109       peek_ret = nml->peek ();
00110       switch (peek_ret)
00111         {
00112         case 0:
00113           break;
00115         case -1:
00116           rcs_print_error ("NMLWATCH: Can`t read nml channel.\n");
00117           delete nml;
00118           delete timer;
00119           return (-1);
00121         default:
00122           nmlmsg = nml->get_address ();
00123           rcs_print ("NML message %ld of size %ld  recieved at t=%lf.\n",
00124                      nmlmsg->type, nmlmsg->size, etime () - start_time);
00125           break;
00126         }
00127       timer->wait ();
00128     }
00129   rcs_print ("NMLWATCH is quitting.\n");
00130   delete nml;
00131   delete timer;
00132   return (0);
00133 }

Generated on Sun Dec 2 15:56:51 2001 for rcslib by doxygen1.2.11.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001