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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 #include "nml.hh"               // NML_MAIN_Channel_List
00003 #include "nmldiag.hh"
00004 #include "rcs_prnt.hh"
00005 #include <time.h>
00008 static char access_name[9][40] = {
00009   "ZERO",
00010   "READ",
00011   "CHECK_IF_READ",
00012   "PEEK",
00013   "WRITE",
00014   "WRITE_IF_READ",
00015   "CLEAR",
00016   "GET_MSG_COUNT",
00017   "GET_DIAG_INFO"
00018 };
00022 void
00023 NML_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO::print ()
00024 {
00025   if (NULL != last_writer_dpi)
00026     {
00027       rcs_print ("Last writer = %d (%s)\n", last_writer,
00028                  last_writer_dpi->name);
00029     }
00030   if (NULL != last_reader_dpi)
00031     {
00032       rcs_print ("Last reader = %d (%s)\n", last_reader,
00033                  last_reader_dpi->name);
00034     }
00035   if (NULL == dpis)
00036     {
00037       return;
00038     }
00039   CMS_DIAG_PROC_INFO *dpi = (CMS_DIAG_PROC_INFO *) dpis->get_head ();
00040   while (NULL != dpi)
00041     {
00042       rcs_print ("\n");
00043       rcs_print ("Info for process %s:\n", dpi->name);
00044       rcs_print ("\t Host and system info: %s\n", dpi->host_sysinfo);
00045       rcs_print ("\t Process Id: %d\n", dpi->pid);
00046       rcs_print ("\t RCS Library Version: %f\n", dpi->rcslib_ver);
00047       if (dpi->access_type >= 0 && dpi->access_type <= 9)
00048         {
00049           rcs_print ("\t Last operation:  %d (%s)\n", dpi->access_type,
00050                      access_name[dpi->access_type]);
00051         }
00052       rcs_print ("\t msg_id: %d\n", dpi->msg_id);
00053       rcs_print ("\t msg_size: %d\n", dpi->msg_size);
00054       rcs_print ("\t msg_type: %d\n", dpi->msg_type);
00055       rcs_print ("\t number_of_accesses: %d\n", dpi->number_of_accesses);
00056       rcs_print ("\t number_of_new_messages: %d\n",
00057                  dpi->number_of_new_messages);
00058       rcs_print ("\t bytes_moved: %f\n", dpi->bytes_moved);
00059       time_t t = 0;
00060 #ifndef VXWORKS
00061       char *ctime_ret = "";
00062       if (dpi->first_access_time > 0.0)
00063         {
00064           t = (time_t) dpi->first_access_time;
00065           ctime_ret = ctime (&t);
00066           if (NULL == ctime_ret)
00067             {
00068               ctime_ret = "";
00069             }
00070         }
00071       rcs_print ("\t first_access_time: %f :  %s\n", dpi->first_access_time,
00072                  ctime_ret);
00073       ctime_ret = "";
00074       if (dpi->last_access_time > 0.0)
00075         {
00076           t = (time_t) dpi->last_access_time;
00077           ctime_ret = ctime (&t);
00078           if (NULL == ctime_ret)
00079             {
00080               ctime_ret = "";
00081             }
00082         }
00083       rcs_print ("\t last_access_time: %f  : %s\n", dpi->last_access_time,
00084                  ctime_ret);
00085 #else
00086       rcs_print ("\t first_access_time: %f\n", dpi->first_access_time);
00087       rcs_print ("\t last_access_time: %f\n", dpi->last_access_time);
00088 #endif
00090       if (dpi->max_difference >= dpi->min_difference)
00091         {
00092           rcs_print ("\t Maximum time between accesses: %f\n",
00093                      dpi->max_difference);
00094           rcs_print ("\t Minumum time between accesses: %f\n",
00095                      dpi->min_difference);
00096         }
00097       double total_time = dpi->last_access_time - dpi->first_access_time;
00098       if (total_time > 0)
00099         {
00100           int h, m, s;
00101           h = ((int) total_time) / 3600;
00102           m = ((int) total_time - h * 60) / 60;
00103           s = ((int) total_time - h * 3600 - m * 60);
00104           rcs_print
00105             ("\t Time between first and last access: %f -- %02.2d:%02.2d:%02.2d\n",
00106              total_time, h, m, s);
00107           if (dpi->number_of_accesses > 0)
00108             {
00109               rcs_print ("\t Average time between accesses: %f\n",
00110                          (total_time) / dpi->number_of_accesses);
00111             }
00112           if (dpi->number_of_new_messages > 0)
00113             {
00114               rcs_print ("\t Average time between new messages: %f\n",
00115                          (total_time) / dpi->number_of_new_messages);
00116             }
00117           if (dpi->bytes_moved > 0)
00118             {
00119               rcs_print ("\t Average bytes moved per second: %f\n",
00120                          dpi->bytes_moved / (total_time));
00121             }
00122         }
00123       if (dpi->bytes_moved > 0 && dpi->number_of_new_messages > 0)
00124         {
00125           rcs_print ("\t Average bytes moved per message: %f\n",
00126                      dpi->bytes_moved / (dpi->number_of_new_messages));
00127         }
00128       dpi = (CMS_DIAG_PROC_INFO *) dpis->get_next ();
00129     }
00130 }
00132 int
00133 nml_print_diag_list ()
00134 {
00135   if (NULL != NML_Main_Channel_List)
00136     {
00137       NML *nml = (NML *) NML_Main_Channel_List->get_head ();
00138       while (NULL != nml)
00139         {
00140           if (NULL != nml->cms)
00141             {
00142               if (!nml->cms->enable_diagnostics)
00143                 {
00144                   nml = (NML *) NML_Main_Channel_List->get_next ();
00145                   continue;
00146                 }
00147               rcs_print ("\n*********************************************\n");
00148               if (NULL != nml->cms->BufferName)
00149                 {
00150                   rcs_print ("* Buffer Name: %s\n", nml->cms->BufferName);
00151                 }
00152               NML_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO *ndi = nml->get_diagnostics_info ();
00153               if (NULL != ndi)
00154                 {
00155                   ndi->print ();
00156                 }
00157               rcs_print ("*********************************************\n\n");
00158             }
00159           nml = (NML *) NML_Main_Channel_List->get_next ();
00160         }
00161     }
00162   return (0);
00163 }

Generated on Sun Dec 2 15:56:50 2001 for rcslib by doxygen1.2.11.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001