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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 #include "rcs_defs.hh"
00003 #include "_tty.h"
00005 #ifndef NO_SERIAL_PORT
00007 #include <stdio.h>
00008 #include <stdlib.h>
00010 #ifdef UNIX_LIKE_PLAT
00011 #include <errno.h>
00012 #include <string.h>
00013 #include <sys/types.h>
00014 #include <sys/stat.h>
00015 #include <fcntl.h>
00016 #include <unistd.h>
00017 #include <termios.h>
00018 #endif
00020 #ifdef WIN32
00021 #include <windows.h>
00022 #endif
00024 #include "rcs_prnt.hh"
00027 int
00028 print_serial_port_configuration (RCS_SERIAL_PORT_HANDLE _handle)
00029 {
00030 #ifdef UNIX_LIKE_PLAT
00031   int ttyFileFd = _handle;
00032   struct termios ttysettings;
00033   if (tcgetattr (ttyFileFd, &ttysettings) < 0)
00034     {
00035       rcs_print ("tcgetattr failed.\n");
00036       return -1;
00037     }
00038   rcs_print ("c_iflag: %x ", ttysettings.c_iflag);
00039   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & BRKINT)
00040     rcs_print ("BRKINT ");
00041   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & ICRNL)
00042     rcs_print ("ICRNL ");
00043   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & IGNBRK)
00044     rcs_print ("IGNBRK ");
00045   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & IGNCR)
00046     rcs_print ("IGNCR ");
00047   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & IMAXBEL)
00048     rcs_print ("IMAXBEL ");
00049   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & INLCR)
00050     rcs_print ("INLCR ");
00051   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & INPCK)
00052     rcs_print ("INPCK ");
00053   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & IUCLC)
00054     rcs_print ("IUCLC ");
00055   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & IXANY)
00056     rcs_print ("IXANY ");
00057   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & IXOFF)
00058     rcs_print ("IXOFF ");
00059   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & IXON)
00060     rcs_print ("IXON ");
00061   if (ttysettings.c_iflag & PARMRK)
00062     rcs_print ("PARMRK ");
00063   rcs_print ("\n");
00064   rcs_print ("c_oflag: %x ", ttysettings.c_oflag);
00065   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & BSDLY)
00066     rcs_print ("BSDLY ");
00067   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & CRDLY)
00068     rcs_print ("CRDLY ");
00069   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & FFDLY)
00070     rcs_print ("FFDLY ");
00071   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & NLDLY)
00072     rcs_print ("NLDLY ");
00073   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & OCRNL)
00074     rcs_print ("OCRNL ");
00075   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & OFDEL)
00076     rcs_print ("OFDEL ");
00077   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & OFILL)
00078     rcs_print ("OFILL ");
00079   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & OLCUC)
00080     rcs_print ("OLCUC ");
00081   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & ONLCR)
00082     rcs_print ("ONLCR ");
00083   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & ONLRET)
00084     rcs_print ("ONLRET ");
00085   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & ONOCR)
00086     rcs_print ("ONOCR ");
00087   /*  if(ttysettings.c_oflag & ONOEOT) rcs_print("ONEOT "); */
00088   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & OPOST)
00089     rcs_print ("OPOST ");
00090   /*  if(ttysettings.c_oflag & OXTABS) rcs_print("OXTABS "); */
00091   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & TABDLY)
00092     rcs_print ("TABDLY ");
00093   if (ttysettings.c_oflag & VTDLY)
00094     rcs_print ("VTDLY ");
00095   rcs_print ("\n");
00096   rcs_print ("c_cflag: %x ", ttysettings.c_cflag);
00097 #ifndef LINUX
00098   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & CCTS_OFLOW)
00099     rcs_print ("CCTS_OFLOW ");
00100 #endif
00101   /*  if(ttysettings.c_cflag & CIGNORE) rcs_print("CIGNORE "); */
00102   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & CLOCAL)
00103     rcs_print ("CLOCAL ");
00104   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & CREAD)
00105     rcs_print ("CREAD ");
00106 #ifndef LINUX
00107   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & CRTS_IFLOW)
00108     rcs_print ("CRTS_IFLOW ");
00109 #endif
00110   if ((ttysettings.c_cflag & CSIZE) == CS5)
00111     rcs_print ("CS5 ");
00112   if ((ttysettings.c_cflag & CSIZE) == CS6)
00113     rcs_print ("CS6 ");
00114   if ((ttysettings.c_cflag & CSIZE) == CS7)
00115     rcs_print ("CS7 ");
00116   if ((ttysettings.c_cflag & CSIZE) == CS8)
00117     rcs_print ("CS8 ");
00118   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & CSTOPB)
00119     rcs_print ("CSTOPB ");
00120   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & HUPCL)
00121     rcs_print ("HUPCL ");
00122   /*  if(ttysettings.c_cflag & MDMBUF) rcs_print("MDMBUF "); */
00123   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & PARENB)
00124     rcs_print ("PARENB ");
00125   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & PARODD)
00126     rcs_print ("PARODD ");
00127   rcs_print ("\n");
00128   rcs_print ("c_lflag: %x ", ttysettings.c_lflag);
00129   /*if(ttysettings.c_cflag & ALTWERASE) rcs_print("ALTWERASE "); */
00130   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & ECHO)
00131     rcs_print ("ECHO ");
00132   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & ECHOCTL)
00133     rcs_print ("ECHOCTL ");
00134   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & ECHOE)
00135     rcs_print ("ECHOE ");
00136   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & ECHOK)
00137     rcs_print ("ECHOK ");
00138   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & ECHOKE)
00139     rcs_print ("ECHOKE ");
00140   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & ECHONL)
00141     rcs_print ("ECHONL ");
00142   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & ECHOPRT)
00143     rcs_print ("ECHOPRT ");
00144   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & FLUSHO)
00145     rcs_print ("FLUSHO ");
00146   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & ICANON)
00147     rcs_print ("ICANON ");
00148   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & IEXTEN)
00149     rcs_print ("IEXTEN ");
00150   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & ISIG)
00151     rcs_print ("ISIG ");
00152   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & NOFLSH)
00153     rcs_print ("NOFLSH ");
00154   /*  if(ttysettings.c_cflag & NOKERNINFO) rcs_print("NOKERNINFO "); */
00155   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & PENDIN)
00156     rcs_print ("PENDIN ");
00157   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & TOSTOP)
00158     rcs_print ("TOSTOP ");
00159   if (ttysettings.c_cflag & XCASE)
00160     rcs_print ("XCASE ");
00161   rcs_print ("\n");
00162 #endif
00164 #ifdef WIN32
00165   DCB dcb;
00166   if (!GetCommState (_handle, &dcb))
00167     {
00168       return -1;
00169     }
00170   rcs_print ("DCBlength=%d\n", dcb.DCBlength);  /* sizeof(DCB)  */
00172   rcs_print ("BaudRate=%d\n", dcb.BaudRate);    /* current baud rate  */
00173   rcs_print ("fBinary=%d\n", dcb.fBinary);      /* binary mode, no EOF check  */
00174   rcs_print ("fParity=%d\n", dcb.fParity);      /* enable parity checking  */
00175   rcs_print ("fOutxCtsFlow=%d\n", dcb.fOutxCtsFlow);    /* CTS output flow control  */
00176   rcs_print ("fOutxDsrFlow=%d\n", dcb.fOutxDsrFlow);    /* DSR output flow control  */
00177   rcs_print ("fDtrControl=%d\n", dcb.fDsrSensitivity);  /* DTR flow control type  */
00178   rcs_print ("fDsrSensitivity=%d\n", dcb.fDsrSensitivity);      /* DSR sensitivity  */
00179   rcs_print ("fTXContinueOnXoff=%d\n", dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff);  /* XOFF continues Tx  */
00180   rcs_print ("fOutX=%d\n", dcb.fOutX);  /* XON/XOFF out flow control  */
00181   rcs_print ("fInX=%d\n", dcb.fInX);    /* XON/XOFF in flow control  */
00182   rcs_print ("fErrorChar=%d\n", dcb.fErrorChar);        /* enable error replacement  */
00183   rcs_print ("fNull=%d\n", dcb.fNull);  /* enable null stripping  */
00184   rcs_print ("fRtsControl=%d\n", dcb.fRtsControl);      /* RTS flow control  */
00185   rcs_print ("fAbortOnError=%d\n", dcb.fAbortOnError);  /* abort reads/writes on error  */
00186   rcs_print ("XonLim=%d\n", dcb.XonLim);        /* transmit XON threshold  */
00187   rcs_print ("XoffLim=%d\n", dcb.XoffLim);      /* transmit XOFF threshold  */
00188   rcs_print ("ByteSize=%d\n", dcb.ByteSize);    /* number of bits/byte, 4-8  */
00189   rcs_print ("Parity=%d\n", dcb.Parity);        /* 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space  */
00190   rcs_print ("StopBits=%d\n", dcb.StopBits);    /* 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2  */
00191   rcs_print ("XonChar=%x %c\n", dcb.XoffChar, dcb.XoffChar);    /* Tx and Rx XON character  */
00192   rcs_print ("XoffChar=%x %c\n", dcb.XoffChar, dcb.XoffChar);   /* Tx and Rx XOFF character  */
00193   rcs_print ("ErrorChar=%x %c\n", dcb.ErrorChar, dcb.ErrorChar);        /* error replacement character  */
00194   rcs_print ("EofChar=%x %c\n", dcb.EofChar, dcb.EofChar);      /* end of input character  */
00195   rcs_print ("EvtChar=%x %c\n", dcb.EvtChar, dcb.EvtChar);      /* received event character  */
00196   return 0;
00197 #endif
00198 }
00200 int
00201 set_serial_port_configuration (RCS_SERIAL_PORT_HANDLE _handle,
00202                                struct rcs_serial_port_setting *_settings)
00203 {
00204 #ifdef UNIX_LIKE_PLAT
00205   struct termios ttysettings;
00206   int ttyFileFd = _handle;
00207   speed_t spd = B9600;
00208   if (tcgetattr (ttyFileFd, &ttysettings) < 0)
00209     {
00210       rcs_print_error ("tcgetattr failed: %d -- %s\n",
00211                        errno, strerror (errno));
00212       return -1;
00213     }
00214   ttysettings.c_iflag = 0;
00215   ttysettings.c_oflag = 0;
00216   ttysettings.c_cflag = CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
00217   ttysettings.c_lflag = 0;
00218   ttysettings.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
00219   ttysettings.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
00220   if (NULL != _settings)
00221     {
00222       switch (_settings->baud_rate)
00223         {
00224         case 300:
00225           spd = B300;
00226           break;
00228         case 600:
00229           spd = B600;
00230           break;
00232         case 1200:
00233           spd = B1200;
00234           break;
00236         case 2400:
00237           spd = B2400;
00238           break;
00240         case 9600:
00241           spd = B9600;
00242           break;
00244         case 19200:
00245           spd = B19200;
00246           break;
00247         }
00248       if (_settings->data_bits == 7)
00249         {
00250           ttysettings.c_cflag &= ~CS8;
00251           ttysettings.c_cflag |= CS7;
00252         }
00253       if (_settings->stop_bits == 2)
00254         {
00255           ttysettings.c_cflag |= CSTOPB;
00256         }
00257       if (_settings->use_parity)
00258         {
00259           ttysettings.c_cflag |= PARENB;
00260           if (!_settings->even_parity)
00261             {
00262               ttysettings.c_cflag |= PARODD;
00263             }
00264         }
00265     }
00267   if (cfsetospeed (&ttysettings, spd) < 0)
00268     {
00269       rcs_print_error ("cfsetospeed failed.\n");
00270       return -1;
00271     }
00272   if (cfsetispeed (&ttysettings, spd) < 0)
00273     {
00274       rcs_print_error ("cfsetispeed failed.\n");
00275       return -1;
00276     }
00277   if (tcsetattr (ttyFileFd, TCSANOW, &ttysettings) < 0)
00278     {
00279       rcs_print_error ("tcsetattr failed. %d -- %s\n",
00280                        errno, strerror (errno));
00281       return -1;
00282     }
00283 #endif
00284 #ifdef WIN32
00285   DCB dcb;
00286   if (!GetCommState (_handle, &dcb))
00287     {
00288       return -1;
00289     }
00290   /*  initialize TTY info structure */
00291   dcb.BaudRate = CBR_9600;
00292   if (NULL != _settings)
00293     {
00294       dcb.BaudRate = _settings->baud_rate;
00295     }
00296   dcb.fBinary = FALSE;
00297   dcb.fParity = NOPARITY;
00298   dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE;
00299   dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE;
00300   dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE;
00301   dcb.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE;
00302   dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE;
00303   dcb.fOutX = FALSE;
00304   dcb.fInX = FALSE;
00305   dcb.fErrorChar = FALSE;
00306   dcb.fNull = FALSE;
00307   dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;
00308   dcb.ByteSize = 8;
00309   dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
00310   dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
00311   if (NULL != _settings)
00312     {
00313       dcb.ByteSize = _settings->data_bits;
00314       if (!_settings->use_parity)
00315         {
00316           dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
00317         }
00318       else
00319         {
00320           if (!_settings->even_parity)
00321             {
00322               dcb.Parity = ODDPARITY;
00323             }
00324           else
00325             {
00326               dcb.Parity = EVENPARITY;
00327             }
00328           dcb.fParity = TRUE;
00329         }
00330       if (_settings->stop_bits == 2)
00331         {
00332           dcb.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;
00333         }
00334     }
00335   if (!SetCommState (_handle, &dcb))
00336     {
00337       return -1;
00338     }
00339   return 0;
00340 #endif
00341 }
00345 open_serial_communications_port (char *name)
00346 {
00347 #ifdef UNIX_LIKE_PLAT
00348   int ttyFileFd = open (name, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY);
00349   if (ttyFileFd < 0)
00350     {
00351       rcs_print_error ("Can't open %s : %d %s\n",
00352                        name, errno, strerror (errno));
00353       return (-1);
00354     }
00355   if (!isatty (ttyFileFd))
00356     {
00357       rcs_print_error ("open_serial_communications_port: %s is not a tty.\n",
00358                        name);
00359       return (-1);
00360     }
00361   return ttyFileFd;
00362 #endif
00363 #ifdef WIN32
00364   HANDLE handle =
00366                 FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, NULL);
00367   return handle;
00368 #endif
00369 }
00371 int
00372 read_serial_communications_port (RCS_SERIAL_PORT_HANDLE _handle, char *buf,
00373                                  int maxlen)
00374 {
00375 #ifdef UNIX_LIKE_PLAT
00376   int ttyFileFd = _handle;
00377   int bytes_read = read (ttyFileFd, buf, maxlen);
00378   return bytes_read;
00379 #endif
00380 #ifdef WIN32
00381   unsigned long bytes_read = 0;
00382   if (!ReadFile (_handle, buf, maxlen, &bytes_read, NULL))
00383     {
00384       return -1;
00385     }
00386   return bytes_read;
00387 #endif
00388 }
00390 int
00391 write_serial_communications_port (RCS_SERIAL_PORT_HANDLE _handle, char *buf,
00392                                   int maxlen)
00393 {
00394 #ifdef UNIX_LIKE_PLAT
00395   int ttyFileFd = _handle;
00396   return write (ttyFileFd, buf, maxlen);
00397 #endif
00398 #ifdef WIN32
00399   unsigned long bytes_written = 0;
00400   if (!WriteFile (_handle, buf, maxlen, &bytes_written, NULL))
00401     {
00402       return -1;
00403     }
00404   return bytes_written;
00405 #endif
00406 }
00408 #endif /* NO_SERIAL_PORT */

Generated on Sun Dec 2 15:56:48 2001 for rcslib by doxygen1.2.11.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001