Hi Alex hello how's the siemens board going? the driver anyways ;) it runns fine at the moment i have to prepare a second servo for testing nice anything new on emc2? I don't know ! anyways... I'm out I'll be back later vielleicht ist dann mehr los ;) chiao jep :-) Hi Ray Hi Paul Got quite a crew here today. Lurkers... speaking of lurkers.... Hi guys Hi Dan. Early there! * paul_c is trying to figure out how to set some KDE defaults without using the /etc/skel tree... Hi Ray. I'm going to put on a pot of coffee. Ah. Can you use the copy directory and overwrite if you know the users name. Mornin' Steve. Morning all. Hi Steve. copy only works for Live systems, not when it has been installed to HD Oh! I thought the Sherline samples got installed to hd as well. Skel would make all of the users kde interface look the same? If the install uses the same user name as the Live, then it would be OK... I see. paul_c: Question about emc and framebuffers. I've got an EPIA board with tv out. Will the frame buffer mess up EMC's rt timing? Never tried it.. Hi John. morning * jmkasunich is still waking up paul_c: I thought you were running fb with your three or four headed display. nope - Using the standard XFree86 drivers Oh. Okay. I'll be the explorer then. I don't see the three slot riser in their store however. im also still searching :-) All the risers at mini-itx face the card away from the mb. I believe that there is a card that lays one over the mb and one away. http://www.ably.com.tw/pdt/viewpdt.asp?absp=2&cat=RISER_CARD is a PCI-X slot useable with normal PCI-cards ? Don't know the x at all. http://www.idotpc.com/TheStore/Peripheral/_Spec.asp?Product.id=782&Cate.id=20&Product.status=green what's up? I'm fighting with the compile farm problems? just a lot of little details to tweak I see Imperator_: Sounds like their might be an issue with the bios and these riser cards. anything new lately? too much work, too little time... but that's not new ;-( that's pretty universal rayh: ok, thanks I got a reply from rainnea regarding Chips what did they/he say well.. of course we can use the image for a splash maybe he can do that if we want rayh: this EPIA boards are very nice, maybe perfect for EMC. Cheap, little heat and so on, I hope they are also running stable. The only problem is that if my all in one PCI servo card will not run this year i have to use tree cards Imperator_: I've run my Sherline with one for a year or more. Not had any problems to speak of. that sounds good The trident video is not real good with BDI 2xx but works great with Live or TNG. Matt used one of these with the first Smithy 1240 prototype. dammit... pserver based CVS access lags behind, and ssh access needs a password I thought that SF had made the pserver read the same cvs as developer. doesn't look that way I have a pserver checkout on this farm slot, it didn't pick up the change I just made to scratch.txt Ann updates are up to 24hrs behind bummer I need the farm to work without prompting for a password use rsa for ssh-keygen my prior experience with ssh says that it will be december before I get it working on all slots and cut'n'paste the public key in to the cvs control page @ sourceforge after a few hours, you can co/ci without passwords Could you use one farm slot for the download -- Live and ask the rest to get their copy from it? then I get to set up NFS on all the slots... more fun * jmkasunich3 hates sysadmin stuff maybe a simple ftp with a tar.gz done from cron anonymous will work, just has a delay. ftp'ing a tar will also have a delay, since a cron job or something at SF would have to periodically make the tarbal cvs up also saves bandwidth - I can do one every few hours, and if there are no changes, it takes very little bandwidth. My script can tell if there were any changes, and if so it will try a build, if not it will just sleep for a few more hours I'll try to get developer checkouts on all three slots, then see if I can get Paul's trick to work paul: you said "use rsa for ssh_keygen" can you repeat that in newbie terms ;-) ssh-keygen -t rsa in any particular directory? the $USR home dir should I specify a passphrase? * jmkasunich3 guesses not now I need to "and cut'n'paste the public key in to the cvs control page @ sourceforge" ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "jmkasunich@shell.sf.net" specify a passphrase it will generate a public and a private key don't need to spec a pass phrase ok, I just did it without the jmk@shell and no passphrase... should I do it again? I think that's for the compile farm at sourceforge ok, this is for the "farm" on my desk, so that it can do cvs up from sourceforge it should work without... ok, so I have my key(s) now need to get the public one to SF somehow * jmkasunich3 goes to the other slots and makes keys there too fsck... no ssh package installed on the BDI-2.18 slot http://sourceforge.net/account/editsshkeys.php cd * jmkasunich3 hooks up the cdrom drive nfs mount the CD from another box or smb ;) no nfs or samba... believe me, connecting a cdromd drive and rebooting is infinitely easier than setting up either of those (at least for me) ssh package is now installed... however... when I say "ssh-keygen -t rsa" it says "error unknown key type" it's probably ssh1 try DSA pkg is ssh-2.4.0-1 * rayh Family committments. Catch you later. this slot has openssh-2.9p2-12 I wonder if that package would work on the 2.18 slot? did you try DSA? not yet doing it now ssh-keygen -t dsa if in doubt, man ssh-keygen I now have dsa keys on slot 2, rsa keys on 3 and 4 * jmkasunich reads the editsshkeys page at SF you can put all keys on SF (even at once) looks like the ssh-keygen on slot 2 generates an incompatible key format SF wants openssh paul_c: do you think the openssh-2.9p2-12 package from BDI-TNG would work on a BDI-2.18 system? NO * jmkasunich looks for an openssh source package BDI-2.18 ssh will work with SF I just downloaded openssh-3.9p1, gonna try to install it on all my boxes here Check the 2.22 CD for what? I installed ssh-2.4.0-1 from the 2.18 cd 2.22 might be a more recent release. https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=761&group_id=1#supportedkeyformats says that SSH Communications Inc ssh clients generate an incompatible key format ssh-2.4.0-1 is from SSH Communications Inc if I can use openssh on all slots that's one less difference for me to deal with later If I have trouble getting openssh to compile, then I'll back up and try the 2.22 disk well that didn't take long... openssh-3.9p1 has dependencies on zlib and ssl that I can't satisify without getting in deeper than I want to cool - the 2.22 cd has openssh! tiem for lunch Got KDE to start up with the defaults I want... Time for Tea. http://mirror.csociety.org/pub/redhat/linux/updates/6.2/en/os/i386/openssl-0.9.5a-33.i386.rpm * jmkasunich downloads this will allow me to install the openssh from the 2.22 CD, right? yes openssl and openssh installed, doing the keygen bit it's working... thanks very much Paul!!! * paul_c updates the rpm stash to include openssl, openssl-dev, and wget bump version to 2.24 http://homepage.powerup.com.au/~squadron/linuxmanual.pdf can't view it... problems with gv