Feb 01 15:18:57 did the meeting start already? Feb 01 15:19:05 been going hours Feb 01 15:20:02 12:00 gmt = 7am here... nice people don't get up that early Feb 01 15:20:41 with a finish time of 18:00, should still catch the people on the west coast Feb 01 15:21:12 I see that we have expanded the times some. Can we get a quick update? Feb 01 15:21:52 6 hours is a really long "meeting" - more like a "stop in and chat" Feb 01 15:22:16 but I suppose it's hard to find a time when everyone can make it Feb 01 15:22:25 could move the times to 14:00-20:00 GMT Feb 01 15:22:37 still 6 hours Feb 01 15:23:17 I was just joking about the earlyness Feb 01 15:23:25 18:00 to 20:00 ? Feb 01 15:24:30 I'm more up for a join and go if there is a way to catch up or review the doings. Feb 01 15:24:39 we'd have to find a time that is good for everybody Feb 01 15:25:06 (or just stick with the join and go, but Ray's right - need to be able to catch up) Feb 01 15:25:58 So I'll update a bit. My trip to Ann Arbor was in a blinding snowstorm both ways. I did not accomplish all that I intended for the show. Feb 01 15:26:05 well.... a 16:00 GMT start would allow some of the guys further west to wake up first... Feb 01 15:26:43 The Best Western is a great place for informal sessions in the evenings. Several areas where groups can get together. Feb 01 15:27:17 I got a room for 59+tax -- 64 total. Feb 01 15:27:27 not bad Feb 01 15:27:38 Much nicer rooms than Super 8. Feb 01 15:27:55 will webbers be upset if we use their meeting room but stay elsewhere? Feb 01 15:28:07 So it looks like we might have three levels 39, 59, 89. Feb 01 15:28:35 No problem with Webers for the Monday. The meal is payment for the conference room. Feb 01 15:28:43 cool Feb 01 15:29:17 I'll probably stay at the best west then Feb 01 15:29:18 Smithy is ready for us on Tuesday and Wednesday. Jim ordered another hub so that we'd have a spare. Feb 01 15:29:50 He liked the idea of the subnet with a single wire to Smithy's net. Feb 01 15:30:29 I'll make sure I have a dual ethernet slot in the farm for the router Feb 01 15:30:43 Sounds good. Feb 01 15:31:26 jmkasunich: you said that you had a ethernet enabled printer? Feb 01 15:32:23 yes, sort of... LaserJet IIP with a HL JetDirect adapter. I've had problems getting linux to print properly (margins get screwed up), but it definelty connects vie ethernet Feb 01 15:36:20 you said they're all set for tues and wed - what about monday night - can we unload our stuff, or does it stay in the vehicles monday night? Feb 01 15:38:32 Sunday night. They will be there unloading their own stuff. Feb 01 15:38:44 good Feb 01 15:39:05 that will determine how much stuff I bring Feb 01 15:39:25 I'll see that we get supported on the extra long days but I don't think we'll be able to stay much past 8 pm.. Feb 01 15:40:09 oh well... I'm thinking about getting a LCD monitor before then - maybe I'll take one computer back to the hotel with me each night Feb 01 15:41:17 Both Webers and Best Western have what they claim to be High Speed internet in the rooms. Feb 01 15:42:00 could be handy, but not really needed - I'll just use my working copy, then cvs commit in the morning Feb 01 15:42:37 speaking of CVS - after the troubles at SF the last two weeks, I'm more inclined to favor a local CVS repository at the fest Feb 01 15:43:01 Right. I'll get the rooms finalized asap and post a note to the lists. Feb 01 15:43:04 * paul_c has a box set up with a cvs server. Feb 01 15:43:23 That right was not intended to reply to the cvs issue. Feb 01 15:44:22 re the lists - should we point them to fest04.txt? or should we make up a little webpage at linuxcnc.org (more work) Feb 01 15:45:02 I think the web would be appropriate once we get things settled out. Feb 01 15:45:21 agreed - I can do a little html'ing if needed Feb 01 15:45:55 Good. Feb 01 15:47:40 btw, ray... thanks for all the organizing! I'm really looking forward to emcfest, and you have been key in making it happen. Feb 01 15:48:16 I believe in it. Feb 01 15:48:52 I saw photos from the early get togethers of the GIMP developers. That's where I got the idea. Feb 01 15:50:12 re: cvs servers Feb 01 15:50:25 we want one Feb 01 15:50:33 how much disk space do you think we'll need ? Feb 01 15:50:45 how big is the emc tree? Feb 01 15:50:55 18 Meg. Feb 01 15:51:04 last count, the cvs tarball was 14Meg Feb 01 15:51:31 so we need enough for the OS, +18Meg - not much in other words Feb 01 15:52:07 so a 20Gig drive will be big enough then.... Feb 01 15:52:22 1G would probably be big enough, depending on the OS distro Feb 01 15:52:47 * paul_c was looking at was to hand... Feb 01 15:53:11 I have several 2G, 4.3G laying about Feb 01 15:53:29 have a HDD that has been infected with the M$ XP virus Feb 01 15:53:41 how long does it take to set up a CVS server? Feb 01 15:53:55 I can bring a 40. Feb 01 15:54:12 including a clean install ? Feb 01 15:54:19 if you want to have less baggage, we could use a farm slot Feb 01 15:54:39 I can have BDI 2.19 or TNG preinstalled Feb 01 15:54:49 Mdk 9.1 takes an hour or so. Feb 01 15:54:49 have a mini ATX set up ready to bring... Feb 01 15:55:26 the mini atx can be cvs server and your working machine at the same time without problems? Feb 01 15:55:34 sure Feb 01 15:55:46 ok then - better to have cvs installed and tested already Feb 01 15:56:06 2.kGHz Athlon & 256Meg RAM Feb 01 15:56:16 2.4GHz Feb 01 15:56:36 paul_c: Can we work directly from a local copy of the SF? Feb 01 15:57:38 as in Do a mirror and the resync when we're done ? Feb 01 15:58:14 or maybe resync every night? Feb 01 15:58:44 (I wonder if we will have folk who want to participate remotely) Feb 01 15:58:45 paul_c: That's what I was wondering. Feb 01 15:59:19 I'd like to see that and run a conversation here at the same time. Feb 01 15:59:29 keeping the two repositories in sync will be a challenge Feb 01 15:59:58 if its not practical, then we just won't do it... Feb 01 16:00:11 but I doubt if we would have anyone outside the group wanting to participate. Feb 01 16:00:29 yeah - all the currently active coders will be there Feb 01 16:00:46 (always hoping for more though) Feb 01 16:00:55 fat chance... Feb 01 16:01:04 on a more mundane but important subject - don't forget the power strips! Feb 01 16:01:13 The sync problem is why I think that we ought to try to work from SF rather than local. Feb 01 16:01:31 for sure Feb 01 16:01:46 but have a backup server just incase Feb 01 16:01:50 ray: perhaps, but we need local backup - if SF goes down like they did last week, we'd be screwed Feb 01 16:02:27 I've got no problem with a local copy to fall back on. Feb 01 16:03:02 Right - I'll make sure we have a box set up and tested.... Feb 01 16:03:24 maybe with a backup Live CD Feb 01 16:03:28 I'd at least like to see us make the coding option available to remote attendees. Feb 01 16:04:14 with a 24Hr IRC terminal ? Feb 01 16:04:21 That with IRC could allow people at a distance to work on parts of the project. Feb 01 16:04:51 24 hr won't work when we're not at smithy Feb 01 16:05:15 but we'll have 12 hrs anyway - 8am to 8pm, approximately Feb 01 16:05:32 It would still be running if folk wanted to post while we are away. Feb 01 16:05:54 thats 1pm to 1am in europe - prime coding hours ;-) Feb 01 16:06:05 ray: right Feb 01 16:06:58 and of course the mailing lists will be available too Feb 01 16:07:12 If we posted an hourly update on where we were and what was happening, it would make little difference where the action was. Feb 01 16:07:39 it's a shame theres no inet at southgate - fri thru sunday we'll be pretty isolated Feb 01 16:07:46 A daily update would probably be enough.... Feb 01 16:08:37 Right NAMES is a place apart. We did get a cell dial in once but only long enough for FredP to fix a problem. Feb 01 16:10:34 hmmm - I know much of names is talking to users etc, but I will have the compile farm box there (hiding under a table) along with the ethernet switch... we could set up our subnet there Feb 01 16:10:48 we'd need the local cvs if we do any coding Feb 01 16:11:14 Works for me. Feb 01 16:12:18 I can do a cvs up Friday night, so I'll have the latest from SF, we can import that to the local CVS saturday Feb 01 16:12:52 then export back to SF tues morning Feb 01 16:16:33 * jmkasunich starts reading networking howtos... Feb 01 16:17:04 Both Mike and Jim can help a lot with some of these issues. Feb 01 16:17:30 right - I'd like to set up the router and test it here Feb 01 16:17:55 * paul_c tests a remote checkout of a cvs server.... Feb 01 16:18:40 we'll want the router to be a DHCP server for the subnet (and maybe a DNS server too?) Feb 01 16:20:26 When I connected at Smithy with dhcp the dns to the www was transparent. I can see that we might want local names for machines though. Feb 01 16:21:09 right - I was thinking about local names. to use the compile farm you'll need to ssh to it, by name would be much easier Feb 01 16:21:40 OK. Local names it is. Feb 01 16:23:16 just read that dhcp can be set to assign static IPs to some ethernet addys - I could set it up so the farm PC get the same IP every time - then we don't really need local names Feb 01 16:23:24 we'll see how it works out Feb 01 16:34:48 Sounds like we've run this topic to a stopping place. Feb 01 16:34:54 Got another? Feb 01 17:10:36 Will Fred & Will be at Smithy ? Feb 01 17:12:45 I haven't heard anything, I assume not. Maybe Matt knows Feb 01 17:12:55 Don't know yet. Need to do a bit of arm twisting. Feb 01 17:13:20 Got a whole load of questions for Fred